Mediating Transnational East Asian Masculinities
One-day Symposium funded by the British Academy
Date: 7 May 2015
Address: RS Boardroom, University of Westminster,
309 Regent Street London W1B 2HW
Convenors: Derek Hird (University of Westminster) and Geng Song (University of Hong Kong)
Co-hosted by the China Media Centre and the Contemporary China Centre at The University of Westminster, London
East Asian men are becoming increasingly visible in mediated forms around the world, in films, and broadcast, print, online and social media. East Asian countries’ growing participation in translocal and global circulations of people, images, ideas, goods and finance have resulted in East Asian masculinities assuming more important roles in imaginaries of masculinities. This symposium will explore media depictions of East Asian masculinities in transnational perspective, to better illuminate the ways in which they reveal the effects of transnational sociocultural, political and economic trends and transformations, and how they influence perspectives and practices of masculinities in local and global contexts.
The symposium aims to provide a productive forum for discussion between researchers of masculinities associated with Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other East Asian cultures.
Possible topics for proposals include but are not limited to:
1. Transnational masculinities in East Asian film and media
2. Media depictions of the interplay and negotiation between manhood and nationhood in East Asian cultures in a global context
3. Representations of East Asian men in non-East Asian film and media
4. Representations of foreign men in East Asian film and media
5. Intersections between ethnicity, race, nationality, gender, sexuality, class, age, ability and religion in representations of East Asian masculinities
6. Media depictions of East Asian men as migrants, expatriates and transnationally mobile
7. Audience reception of mediated East Asian masculinities
8. The negotiation of representations of East Asian masculinities in everyday lives
Interested parties please send an abstract to and by 10 February 2015. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. The symposium is free of charge, and there is a limited amount of money available to subsidize travel expenses. Please indicate if you would like to be considered for a travel subsidy when you submit your abstract.